Career Strategy Feedback
How you position yourself is critical to your executive job search
If you aren’t clear in your focus...
If your focus doesn’t align with your background....
If you aren’t focused on the right level....
If your story doesn't resonate....
If you aren’t memorable....
.... you will struggle to leverage recruiters, investors, talent partners and your network.
This page describes the free one-time feedback anyone can access as well as the ongoing career guidance Whispered provides to paid members.
Before you request career feedback
We provide one async career strategy feedback for anyone who shares their strategy via the button above. Here is how to make the most out of our feedback
1) Have a clear, focused career strategy
This article explains how to craft a career thesis
Get clear on the type of company and role you are seeking
Get clear on the stage of company to focus on
If you need more help on your career strategy, see our guide or learn about coaching options
2) Refine how you present yourself
Create a focus statement
Look at other ways to polish how you present yourself
3) Help people help you
Build your target company list (Optional before requesting career advice but it will definitely help us make more specific suggestions)
Ongoing career strategy for paid members
Whispered paid membership gets you access to ongoing coaching and career strategy guidance, including:
Advice via our community at critical moments in your search
Help refining how you position yourself
Collaboration with other executives in our community
Get introductions to talent partners and recruiters (for Premium Members)